Frontend, Backend, Fullstack: What Do These Mean?

Frontend, backend, and fullstack developers all play important roles in the software development process, but they each focus on different aspects of the software.

A frontend developer is responsible for the design and functionality of the user interface of the software. This includes the layout, visual elements, and interactive features that users see and interact with when they use the software. Frontend developers use languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the frontend.

A backend developer, on the other hand, focuses on the server-side of web development. This includes building and maintaining the servers, databases, and APIs that power the frontend. Backend developers use languages such as Python, Ruby, and Java to build the backend.

A fullstack developer has skills in both frontend and backend development. They have a comprehensive understanding of how the two sides interact with each other.

In short, frontend developers focus on the design and functionality of the user interface, backend developers focus on the servers and databases that power the user interface, and fullstack developers have skills in both areas.

At Vitalsphere, all of our developers are fullstack, and while there are circumstances where it makes sense to split frontend and backend, we believe it’s important to have an understanding of both in order to build software that functions well and is easily maintainable.